Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Little Bits of Summer

With all this great weather (thankfully not to hot yet) we've been enjoying different fun little summer activities :)

Last week we went down to a local shaved ice place for family night. Hadley and I very much enjoyed our Tiger's Blood but mostly she just liked pushing the little chairs all over he place!

One afternoon Becca and I took the kids to the water park. Hadley has no fear of anything in the water (not always a good thing) and she loved going down the big slide with me over and over and over!
And everything is better when it can be done outside- like playing in our tent!!

Also, Hadley is finally tall enough to climb up on our couches. This is like a dream come true for her but also means falling off lots of times!!

And in the biggest news of the summer... Hadley had her first real babysitter!! Since she was born when Steve and I go out we just wait until after 7 when she is in bed and then the 13 year old girl who lives behind us comes over. Well I decided it was high time she adjust to being watched by someone other than Becca! So last week I had Jessica (our neighbor girl) come over and watch her for a couple of hours. She got Hadley out of her bed from her nap - which I decided would be less tramatic for Hadley than watching me leave. I went and worked at the school and to my surprise Jessica said she didn't cry once!! I was honestly totally shocked!! We're doing it again on Thursday just to get Hadley used to it. But I now I can safely say that I see more dates in Steve and I's future where we can leave before 7 :)


Josh and Kelly said...

Summer is the greatest. And Hadley is adorable- her hair is getting so cute I love the little curls in back. And yea for a good babysitting experience- seize the day!

Deb said...

Yay for no crying! It'll be great to go on dates at whatever time. She is so cute in that little swimsuit!