Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fall Photos

This weekend we attempted (that being the key word) to take some Fall pictures of Hadley. The park that we wanted to go to was closed to get ready for Christmas lights so we had to go to a different one. The leaves weren't great colors and Hadley WOULD NOT look at the camera. The pictures where she is actually looking up she is looking at Steve. But hey, we still think they're some pretty cute ones in here!

We saw this face ALOT! Steve trying to get leaves and grass out of her mouth- that's all she was really interested in doing.

If you look close in this one you can actually still see the grass in her mouth!


Tori said...

Oh I think you got some great ones! I really like the ones where she is laying down in the leaves. Super cute!

Deb said...

Great pictures! She looks so cute in those leaves. I never thought about doing that, but they look adorable!