Hadley has had this nasty cold since Saturday so I didn't take her out of the house until yesterday (and that was only to go to Becca's to play for awhile). She was miserable Saturday and Sunday but since has just had this icky icky nose! That may seem a little extreme but I didn't want this to turn into a cold that she will have ALL winter. So yes Saturday -Thursday inside made for quite a long week. But we did plently of things to fill our time!
We played lots and lots with all of our toys!

We played on the computer...
We shared some snacks...

We kept our normal routine- breakfast, playtime, nap, playtime, lunch, playtime, nap, playtime, dad comes home, dinner, playtime, bed. Rinse and repeat again!

Hadley helped me put all her new clothes away...

Hadley helped me get ready for my Cub Scout Pack Night last night (don't worry I don't let my daughter play with large bags of trash, it's bags of popcorn for our carnival)...

We read alot of books...

And we spent alot of time taking silly pictures and looking at oursleves in the mirror...

And we spent alot of time taking silly pictures and looking at oursleves in the mirror...

I have to admit that it's kind of a long week but I always love with my little girl!
Haha the first picture I was like what is on her head? It was the plant in the background! Poor girl. Hope she starts to feel better. Love the pics.
I hate when they're sick. Smart thinking keeping her home. Lizzie still has a cough from mid-Sept. I love the pictures with the mirror. She looks so excited!
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