Monday, October 18, 2010

8 Months... Really? Already?

My baby girl turned 8 months on Friday- I feel like she is getting so big!
Don't you just love those perfectally round, pinchable, kissable cheeks (and the nice bump above her eyebrow)! I can't get enough of them!

Hadley is everywhere and into everything! Including opening drawers, cabinets, waiting for you to open a door or the fridge :) She crawls around like a maniac and pulls herself to stand on everything. She tries to walk or cruise along the furniture if she sees something she really wants (you know- phones, remotes, cords, food) but is pretty unsteady so she usually falls. Still a great sleeper and still happy as ever! She is talking ALL the time- mama, mamba, baba, bab, dada, gaga, gagoo... She is getting better at letting other people hold her and being a bit more friendly, but still a major mama's girl!

So the only time she will even glance in the direction of the tv is if there is music. So I thought I would buy her a Disney sing along video- can I say she LOVES it. She doesn't even take her eyes away... notice in both pictures her eyes are glued to the tv! Don't worry we only watch for like 10 minutes, I just don't plop her in front of it :)

She is still our little chunker. She wears mostly 12-18 month clothes (few just 12 months still fit). She doesn't eat baby food anymore, just mostly everything we eat! She loves it!

Daddy just walked through the door- this little girl LOVES her dad!


Deb said...

So cute! I love the pictures. I can't believe it's been 8 months either. I was just thinking Daniel's nearly as old as she was when we started play groups in the summer. How can that be? Time goes by so fast!

Tori said...

I can't believe she is wearing 12-18 month clothes! Haha little chunk!

Josh and Kelly said...

What a cutie!! I'm a sucker for round chubby cheeks too.