Sunday, August 28, 2011

Our New Reality

 So I have been back in school (with the kids there) for a week now and Hadley and I are adjusting quite nicely to our 'new reality.'  It obviously helps that I take her to Becca's where she is loved just like I would love her and that Ily and I have a darling class of 22 third graders.

My biggest concern going to back to teaching was that I would miss alot of quality time each day with Hadley.  And yes, I do miss about an hour and half of awake/play time but I have really been focusing on making the time that I am with her really good :)

 I am kind of a schedule person and I do my best work and everything gets done if I make and stick to a schedule.  So before I went back I decided to make a schedule of what each day will look like.  So basically it looks like this (this is mostly for my records, you don't have to read it).

7:20 - 8:00 - We eat breakfast, bathe, get dressed and play a little.
8:00- 9:00 - Play time!  And she watches a 15 minute segment of Curious George (she is obsessed!!)
9:00 - 9:30ish - Hadley's quiet time (sometimes she sleeps, like she did 2 days last week)
9:30 - 10:00 - "Educational time" This is the teacher in me- we read, color, do puzzles, trace letters and numbers with our fingers, sing, etc.
10:00 - 11:00 - Play time
11:00- 11:30 - Make lunch, eat lunch, pack our bags to go
11:45 - drop her off at Becca's
3:45 - pick her up and go home

I know it's dumb to do this schedule but I feel like we get alot done and she has a super good morning!

 She has been doing really well at Becca's!  Obviously her and Max fight sometimes - hey they are toddlers, what do you expect? - but otherwise they do really well together.  It took a several days and some experimenting on Becca's part but her naps are pretty regular and solid now, about 12:45 to 3:30ish.  Overall, Hadley loves to go play with her cousins!  One day we got to Becca's house and pulled into the driveway and she said, "Bye mama."  Yes, very sad but at least she excited to go and play!

How am I adjusting?

Does it make me a horrible mom to say that I am actually enjoying it?!  I love being back teaching and being with the kids and the other teachers.  Things are going really well with Ily and I sharing the class, it's been smooth sailing this far :)  I feel like I'm going nonstop all day, I use Hadley's quiet time to do all my cooking and cleaning, so at the end of each day I am exhausted!  I usually hit the sack around 9:00 and am out by 9:30 at the latest!!  But of course I love weekends and any extra time I can get with my little lady!

I've been trying to do all my errands after Hadley goes to bed and I spend at least an hour every night working on school stuff (she's in bed of course).  Steve has been so helpful and supportive, which I am grateful for!  Hadley is still as happy as ever and growing and learning each day!  I'll keep you updated as the year keeps going :)


Tori said...

What a good mom! Seriously I love your schedule and everything. That is so nice that you and Hadley are both adjusting so well to the new reality. Glad it's going so well. Also...what the heck is that tiger thing Hadley is playing on? It is huge!!

Holly said...

You're such a good mom! I love & am totally jealous of your schedule. You must get up & ready before Hadley wakes up? That's my problem--I go to bed too late so I don't wake up until my boys are up & then I spend all morning trying to get ready. You *might* have just inspired me to go to bed earlier & get up earlier...we'll see. :) So glad it's going so well for you!

Josh and Kelly said...

No, that doesn't make you a bad mom, it makes you a lucky one to get the best of both worlds! I think pretty much every mom wishes for a little adult interaction sometimes and it seems like you couldn't ask for a better setup!

Deb said...

I'm a schedule person too. I have to do a schedule just so I make sure everything gets done so I can spend time with the kids.