Friday, February 25, 2011

Round Two

This past weekend we had Round 2 of Hadley's birthday- my parents came out for the long weekend so we decided to do the big family party on Saturday night!
We always love having grandma and papa here and Hadley always LOVES having Buffy here. We started the fun on Friday night at the Spanish Fork Highschool basketball game. My brother-in-law is the coach so we go to most of the home games (sounds kinda lame I know, but it's actually lots of fun). Hadley loves to watch the ball and is totally enthralled by the cheerleaders and dancers. Plus I get to see lots of my old students at the game- last week 3 old girls came to say hi to Hadley and I. Well, at least I thought they were just coming to say hi... they sat with us the entire game!!
Saturday was the party and Hadley wore her new birthday dress that my mom gave her. We had her favorite meal- hot dogs, brats, chips, baked beans, deviled eggs, fruit salad, and pasta salad (all her favorite foods!).

True to form: Hadley is surrounded by presents and she is most interested in the ribbon :)

Max and Hadley started out so nice playing with all her new toys...

... but it quickly turned to this... fighting over the toys!

After the party the girls went to the mall and the boys babysat and cleaned up after the party :)
Here is some trouble that Hadley has been getting into this week... I found her doing this, so I took her out of the bathroom and put her by her toys.
I turned my back for like 10 seconds and came back to the bathroom to find this... I should have shut the door!!

Oh and she thinks the mischief is all to funny!! She also has learned a couple of new things this last week, one cute and one not so cute-
- She nows gives kisses if you say "Give me a kiss." Sometimes open mouthed and sometimes closed :)
- She has also started to fake cry. If you put her in highchair while you get her food she fake cries until you give it to her- it is quite the sound!

And lastly some pictures of Hadley & Dex from when Ily and I took them to the museum in Springville earlier this week. So fun to be with friends!

Future artists in the making?

If they take after their moms, probably not!


Tori said...

Cute birthday dress! And I LOVE her face in the pic where Steve is holding her. She does not look happy! Haha! Did you make the cake? It's awesome!

Kris and Megan said...

happy bday hadley!! is she 1 already?!! man, it is so crazy how time flies. time to get ready for another one meredith!! haha just joking. :) the cake looks awesome, how cute. and that is so cute your students came and sat with you, i miss seeing mine so much! and i don't think high school bball games sound lame, i used to LOVE going to those. being new to AZ it's kind of weird not to have any attachments to any high schools really, but i'd love to start following a team. anyway great post, she is CUTE!! and thanks for all your comments, i love them!!

Josh and Kelly said...

I like high school basketball games! And you are such a good sport, I hope it was girls that you like at least!

Deb said...

Seriously her curly hair is sooo adorable!! I love it! The cake looks great! I love that she's learned to fake cry. I know it's probably not great for you, but still so funny!