Saturday, January 8, 2011

Winter = Ugh!!

Let's start the post this way... I HATE WINTER!!
My mom always told us that 'hate' was a strong word and we shouldn't use it but at the current moment (honestly, the last two week's worth of moments) I can think of no better word. I didn't used to mind winter when I was teaching and only had myself to worry about. The worst thing was inside recess and I could live with a few days of that. But since having a baby I have come to learn that I really dislike winter.
This hateful relationship started to grow when Hadley got that bad cold at the end of October. Then it was strengthened when she got croup right before Thanksgiving, and now again she was just sick... again!! The week after Christmas was a bad one for us. Monday (the 27th) Steve and I both got stomach flu- ugh, nothing worse! Tuesday we felt fine but Hadley was feeling awful, runny nose, cough, trouble breathing, crying all the time, sleeping all the time. At first I thought she had croup again but after no improvement I took her to the doctor on Wednesday only to find out she had Bronchiolitis. Basically a viral infection in her lungs that comes with a nasty nasty cold. And of course it was viral so really nothing to do for it but wait it out. So she is just now back to her normal happy self- after like 9 days! Then to add to it all, later that week Steve and I both got horrible sinus infections and we hold up in our beds for like 3-4 days!
I don't like the cold and all the sickness, I feel like I can't ever take Hadley anywhere without her getting sick! I don't know if I can survive until March! I told my mom that I needed to find somewhere to live that never got below 50 and never got above 85 or 90. Her response, "Good luck!" So for now we do our best to stay home and avoid anymore sickness :( We did venture a few times later this week!
Hadley wanted to help put the groceries away! Always the little 'helper'!

Max and Livi came to keep us company one day while Becca worked up at Luke's school.

And Friday night Hadley and I went to dinner with Ily & Dex and Susan from school. Always fun with them!

So wish us luck that we can last until March and that little Hadley can keep anymore sicknesses AWAY!!


Tori said...

I have a solution to your problem! You said you wanted to live where it doesn't get below 50 and never about like 90, right? COME LIVE BY ME!!!! Problem solved!
But honestly I'm sorry you guys have been sick. That sounds like no fun. Hope you guys all feel better and stay better.

Josh and Kelly said...

Boo, I'm sorry to hear this. You can move to Southern California... you could afford it better than us! From what I can tell Utah is just a hotbed for sicknesses, must be all the kids! Hadley will get older and then it won't be quite so bad, hang in there!

Deb said...

I agree! Done with the sickness! Plus it's no fun when they're so small they can't play in the snow. That's the only good thing about winter is the fun stuff to do in the snow. I'm with you on the temperatures too. That would be my ideal place!