Thursday, January 20, 2011

Monthly Update- 11 Months

I am a few days late posting about Hadley at 11 months but we just got back from Colorado! 11 months- ahhh- only one more month and she will be 1 and kind of like a little toddler. She is still the greatest part of our lives and is a joy to be with everyday!
I feel like this last month she has gotten so much less of a baby and more of a toddlerish girl! I guess it's a good thing and bad thing, I'm glad she's happy, healthy and developing quickly but she is no longer my little baby!
At 11 months Hadley:
- Has her own little language. The last two weeks she has become SO SO SO vocal and is just talking and babbling all the time. Steve and my favorite is when she is sitting and playing by herself and just sits and whispers in this little language to herself. Couldn't be any cuter!
- She now waves to everyone no matter who it is. On the plane home from Colorado we had an aisle seat and most of the flight she just leaned around the sit and flirted and waved with anyone that would even look her direction.

- If you say "Give me 5" she puts her hand in the air for a high five!

- Her favorite words are mama, dada, papa, num num, uh oh, and sometimes something that sounds like hi!

She sits in the sink to get her hair done everyday. Don't worry this was her own toothbrush :)

- She mimicks everything you do. And she can say that a birdie says "tweet, tweet, tweet" and we are close to "moooo."

- She walks all over with her toys that are also walkers but nothing on her own. I think she might walk a little late (like 13 months or so).

- She can shake her head no and will sometimes do yes. If she doesn't want something or to do something she just shakes no.

- We have worked really hard on Hadley not grabbing everything. So we do 'one finger.' When she reaches out to grab something (like decorations, clocks, tvs, anything she shouldn't) we say, "Hadley one finger" and she actually does it all the time now! It's so cute to watch her pull her whole hand back and just touch with one finger!! Love her!
- She doesn't fit in most of her 12-18 months clothes but its frustrating because most of the 18-24 months ones are too big, oh well!
- Her latest obsession is pictures in frames! She mostly likes to look at pictures of dad and cousin Max but she will get those picture frames no matter what- off shelves, off tables, anywhere!
- This little girl is super determined and really nothing will stop her from getting to what she wants!
- Just like her mom, she is Miss Independent. She basically feeds herself entirely all her food now. She is getting pretty good at her spoon and will sometimes let us help her if it's things she can eat with her hands.
I can't believe my next update about Hads she will be 1! Do I really have an almost 1 year old?


Megan and Taj said...

oh she is so cute!! I just love her little cheeks!! I seriously can't believe it has been a year since you had her! Time goes by way way too fast huh?!

Holly said...

She is so, so cute! And I can't believe she's almost one already! We really need to get together with you guys & see her in person again!

Josh and Kelly said...

Meredith she is getting so cute!!!! You can even tell just looking at the pictures that she is really starting to get more of a personality, what a fun time.

Deb said...

I can't believe it's already been that long! I love the cute toddler stage! Just wait til she starts having conversations with you. There's nothing better!

Tori said...

Love the pics! Can't believe she is already 11 months. Sheesh time flies. I love the crying picture and the pictures in the sink. That is a good idea! I'm gonna try that today!

Kris and Megan said...

Don't you hate that they have to grow up so fast?!!! She is too cute and looks like such a girly girl with all her cute bows. Too funny how she's obsessed with frames too! haha.