Sunday, January 30, 2011

Grand Adventures...

I have been a little bit of a slacker about posting so this post is long and FULL of pictures!
So we haven't really had any 'grand' adventures lately but with this dang cold weather doing much more than playing at home seems pretty 'grand' to Hadley and I! What can I say, I decided I am ready to get out of Utah :)
A couple of weeks ago Hadley and I left Steve at home and flew home to Colorado for a trip to visit. It definitely wasn't long enough, but I had to get home since I was in charge of a Blue & Gold Banquet for 100 people. We ate some GREAT food, shopped, visited with friends, played with cousins, spent a lot of time with my grandma and just soaked up all of Colorado that we could. Hadley's favorite part... definitely the dog Buffy :)
I went out with my good friend Jessie from highschool while grandma babysat. She came back with me for a visit and as you can see Hadley was a bit unsure...

This is the best we could get of Foxx, Fiona, and Hadley.
Foxx was trying to teach Hadley to snap... haha!

Foxx was trying to share- didn't go over so well!

The week we got home we were able to see Cami and Jane again- yay!! We went with them and Ily and Dex to a new place in Provo called the Provo Beach Resort. It has a fun little play area for toddlers and a carousel (which was so funny to watch all of them ride, 6 HUGE eyes). After we finished playing we went to dinner together. We love getting these little friends together!

Hadley wasn't quite as courageous as Jane and Dex, she liked to watch them be little dare devils!

But our adventures this last week or so have been pretty close to home- playing with cousins, highschool basketball games, shopping at the mall, eating out for dinner.

Last week Steve and I were putting away groceries and of course Hadley wanted to help. She ws digging around in the bags and I thought to myself, "If this will keep her occupied for more than a couple of minutes, I'll let her do it." We a minute or two later a looked over and she had ripped open a package of brown gravy mix and was eating it! She was quite enjoying it, she kept licking her lips over and over and over.

Sporting her black velour track suit from grandma...

She's also enjoying looking at books now instead of just eating them.

And still loves picture frames and can name either Steve or I in a picture if you say, "Who is that?"

And a new favorite game is playing slide with dads legs...

I was trying to get this bag from her to wrap Steve's birthday gift and she thought it was so funny to keep taking it from me. Little stinker...

Still loving the curly hair...

And the best adventure of all- playing in the dryer!! And yes, she climbed in there all by herself!!

Hope we have another week of great adventures!!


Tori said...

Haha! I can't believe she crawled into the dryer all by herself! What a stinker! She looks so cute and big! Sounds like you guys had a fun week.

Josh and Kelly said...

It's true, when you have a toddler they don't need grand adventures because at least for Shane, he thinks even the library is pretty exciting! And I laughed about the "if she will keep herself occupied for more than a couple of minutes I will let her do it"- yeah I totally think that same thought a lot. Sometimes a few mangled papers or whatever it is is worth a few moments to yourself!

Deb said...

I never knew about that Provo Beach place. It looks like a lot of fun! I love that anything can be an adventure. Lizzie was obsessed with the toys at the library even though they're the same ones at the doctor's office and everywhere else. I bet the gravy tasted delicious!