Monday, January 3, 2011

Things that Come in 5's

5 years ago today I married my best friend- best decision ever!

Here are some other things using the number 5 that Steve and I have done in the past 5 years:

* 5 - 2: The number of places Steve and I have lived. Our first apartment in Provo (9 months), townhome here in Spanish Fork (10 months), house we live in now (3 1/2 years).

* 5 + 1 : The number of cars Steve and I have owned since we known each other.

* 5 - 2: The number of places Steve and I have been on vacation too not counting going home to Washington or Colorado. (Vegas & Caribbean Cruise) Yea, we need to work on this one!

* 5: The number of jobs between the two of us during our marriage (IM Home, Nebo School District, Heritage Web Solutions, Savantius, & Doba).

* 5 -1: The number of kids we want to have... but who knows what will end up happening :)

* 5 + 12: The number of shows that we own the complete season.

* 5: The number of bedrooms our house will have when we finish our basement.

* 5 + 7: The number of neices and nephews we have on both sides.

*5 - 1: The number of NBA teams that we consistently watch and follow all the time (Spurs, Celtics, Heat, Jazz).

*5: The number of books that we have both read since being married-the Percy Jackson series. We have very different taste in books!

Here's to 5 more great years... and many many more after that!!

I know this post is kind of lame but I couldn't think of a ton of things about us just using 5, so I had to get a little creative :)


Tori said...

I love this post Mer! I love reading all those things about you guys!

Deb said...

Way to go on the 5's! At first I was wondering how many you had, but I love the creative 5s. Makes it so fun!

Holly said...

I was super confused as first because I didn't see the minuses & pluses...but then I got it. :) Happy Anniversary! And what a fun (& creative) post!

Kris and Megan said...

love it! number posts are always entertaining to me but i hardly ever have clever ideas!!