Thursday, December 15, 2011

Unplugged Play

 I mentioned a few months ago about a book I bought from Amazon.  It was recommended by my friend Cami and the book is called Unplugged Play.  It is awesome!  It has literally hundreds of ideas of fun things to do inside that really don't require much extra then what's lying around your house!  And obviously none of the activities use anything electrical..  Since we have such cold weather we have really enjoyed using this book during these freezing winter months :)

This is one of Hadley's favorites.  You mark a bunch of notecards with colored circles and then staple one of each colored card onto a brown bag.  Then you hide the cards around the room and she finds them and puts them in the matching bag.  We started with just two bags (blue and yellow because those were the colors she could recognize consistently).  But now we have blue, yellow, pink, and purple cards and she's really good!!

 Another favorite is we collect all the balls in the entire house and play basketball with a laundry basket.

We've also make homemake 'goo' with flour, water, and food color (a messy but definite favorite) and Hadley loves to do her own dishes :)  Which is really just soapy water in a tuperware with some smaller (plastic) dishes.  Hope this book lasts us until May!!


Deb said...

That sounds like a great book! I'll have to get it. I love being able to use things around the house to do fun different things.

Tori said...

MAN!!! I keep forgetting to buy that book! I really need to buy that asap. And I love how Hadley knows that many colors! Mylin just knows purple! Little miss smarty!