Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Two Truths & A Lie

Two truths and lie- one of the few things that got me to seminary (I know I'm horrible!).  We used to play this game all the time.  Three different stories would be told and you had to decide which were truth and which was the lie.  Ready to play?

Story 1:
We've had some snowy/freezing weekends recently.  You know the kind of where you have list of things to get done (errands, school stuff, work stuff and what not) and you don't even want to get out of your pj's or leave the house.  So that's exactly wha we did!  We built a fort and hung out inside most of the day.  We read books, played games, even at our lunch inside... and of course Hadley enjoyed every minute!

Story 2:
December 17th had been on the books for a while.  Another 12 person date with my team teachers and their husbands to make gingerbread houses and play games.  Well, what ya know that when we go to get Hadley up from her nap she has thrown up EVERYWHERE!!  The poor thing was so traumatized with it being her first experiece throwing up and all.  So we had to cancel our plans :( to stay home and take care of the little women.  She threw up 4 more times that night and has slowly returned to normalcy since.

Story 3:
Becca and I took the kids to the mall last week to visit Santa.  Hadley was so cute and waving and saying hi while we killed time waiting for Becca.  When it was our turn she just hopped right up on his lap and was quite pleased.  She got a little coloring book where she made me proud when she said all by herself, "Thank you."

Story 1- TRUTH!!  And just for the record Steve makes much better forts that I ever dreamed of!!

 Story 2- TRUTH!!  And be grateful that I did not document the weekend with pictures!

Story 3- LIE- the picture says it all!!

Thanks Kelly for the post idea- I always need a fun idea to spice things up!!


Deb said...

Poor Hadley! I hope she gets feeling better fast. I think the majority of little kids pull that face with Santa. Lizzie would only talk to him if she could stand and I stayed right next to her.

Josh and Kelly said...

Ha ha I'm glad my kid isn't the only one who thinks Santa is the devil incarnate. Jk, now that he is slowly realizing Santa is going to bring him some cars I think he's slightly warming up to the idea- as long as he doesn't have to get near him ha ha.

Anonymous said...

We missed you SO much at the party! WE are gonna have to plan a January Party. This is such a cute post though! Way sad about Santa Claus... ;) Love you!