Sunday, October 2, 2011


 Just wanted to document what our daily lives look like these days!  Things are still going really great- still spending lots of quality time with Hadley, loving school, and being with our cute family!

Tub Crayons... a new and priceless find!  Hadley already loved the tub, now she never wants to get out!

 Trying out new hairstyles since Hadley's hair is soooo long!  Please excuse the crooked parts- she was not interested in holding still very long that day :)

Another almost daily activity... playdough!

Trying to take advantage of the warm weather - lots of trips to the park!

Got this great idea from my friend Cami... lots of little toys and a muffin tin.  Sounds so simple but seriously hours of entertainment!  Hadley takes them out, puts them in, takes them out, puts them in... well you get the idea :)

 On the way to Becca's for the afternoon- cute, cute, cute!

 Luke's last soccer game of the season!  She spotted a baby and just kept going and standing by the baby
and saying "Mama!  Baby! Baby!"

Life is still pretty simple and we love it that way!!  Take advantage of it while you have it that way huh?


Tori said...

Ok I love love love her hair in like every picture! You inspire me! And I really need to buy some of those small toy things and try that out. Where did you buy the small toys? They are probably everywhere huh?

Cami said...

YOU MENTIONED ME IN YOUR BLOG! I'm so flattered! I'm with Tori on the hair cute!

Deb said...

Way to go on the hair! That's always my struggle, not just doing it, but taking the time to do it. :)I've heard of the muffin tin thing. Daniel would love that!

Josh and Kelly said...

I love that muffin tin idea, I think Shane would still love that, plus you could do sorting and what not with it. I love her hair, and I can't wait until Marissa's is long enough to do fun stuff with! And I think Hadley is telling you something... ;) I for one would love to see another cute little Berglund!