Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall Break

 Last Thursday and Friday I had Fall Break from school.  They were two great days where Hadley and I just spent quality time together and did some fun things!


Thursday morning Hadley and I went to the mall do to a little shopping.  We got Orange Julius's and then I let Hadley play in the play area for quite a long time!  She had a great time and loved all the other little kids there!  One of the things I love about Hadley is that she isn't in the stage yet where she throws a big fight when we have to leave somewhere (here's me hoping that stage never comes... haha!).

 It was such gorgeous weather that we went to the park every single day of the weekend!  Hadley is a huge park fan and so she asked everyday, "Park Mama? Park?"


We ran some errands, spent a bit of time at a different park, went to Becca's to eat jellybeans and jump on the tramp.

After nap time we went with Becca and Jesse and kids down to Payson to a Fall Farm.  I love this fall season and all the great things there are to do!

 Aren't these two just the cutest best friends?  We think so!!!

Hadley loved the hay maze with daddy and Luke.

After the farm we went to dinner and Carls Jr. where the kids play for more than an hour!  Then we went to Becca's for movie night and snacks!!


We got up early on Saturday morning and drove up Payson Canyon to hike.  The drive up there was amazing but since we hiked so high up it was pretty cold and most of the leaves had fallen.  Hadley loved riding in the backpack and was so adorable pointing out all the things she saw!

 We did the park a couple more times, had state conference and a delicious Sunday family dinner together to wrap up our great weekend.

1 comment:

Kris and Megan said...

oh i miss those things about utah!!! you guys get a real fall! enjoy it for us, looks like a blast :)