Friday, July 30, 2010

Date Night = Mad Little Miss

So last weekend Steve planned a date night just the two of us! It's not the first time that we've gone out and left Hadley with a babysitter or at my sister's but it was the first time since I finished school in May. So we decided to go to dinner and the Fiesta Days Rodeo here in Spanish Fork. Both were extremely fun and it was nice to just be alone with Steve... but of course this made for one little mad (not sad) little girl at home. Hillary and Kevin were awesome to come babysit on their Friday night and we were so grateful. We have left Hadley with them a couple of times before we she was younger so we thought everything would be ok.
Boy were we wrong!!
Kevin said that the crying started really from the moment that Steve and I walked out the door. Hillary said that it wasn't like a sad cry, or a hungry cry, it was a very MAD cry. So to make a short story shorter she cried pretty much the entire time we were gone. She wouldn't eat most of her food before bed and she cried in bed for 45 minutes before eventually tiring herself out and falling asleep. And to add- if you know my little baby, she RARELY cries even when hungry or tired.
Well, I was really hoping to start leaving her with babysitters that weren't family members soon but that has long since been lost in my mind! She used to be fine and she is fine when I leave her at Becca's. I have already done that several times this summer to get my hair done and go to church meetings during the day that just didn't want to take her too. So what was so different?!
Here's hoping it gets better next time.... if there is anyone willing to babysit the next time :)


Holly said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry! That's a mom's worst nightmare! Hopefully it was just this once and she'll do better next time...?! (P.S. Can't wait to see you guys next week!)

Deb said...

Oh I hated that when Lizzie went through that phase. I hope it was just the once!

Josh and Kelly said...

That's the worst! At least it was family, but Shane has cried for non family (since we don't have any here!) and really people understand. Well, I guess you know she loves you!