Sunday, July 18, 2010

Funny Five Month Girl!

I know that I say this each month but I can believe my baby girl is already over five months old!! She is at such a fun stage (which I feel like each month also) and sometimes I wish I could just freeze her little cuteness!
Some of things that Hadley does at five months:
- Will not hold still, all she wants to do is roll! She prefers to roll from back to stomach but will roll the other way when she gets sick of being on her tummy. But good luck getting her dressed or changing her diaper.
- Still laughs and smiles all the time. She is finding me more funny each day- which makes me feel good because she used to laugh at Steve a lot more than me!
- Will be starting baby food in the beginning of August.
- She is very social, she talks and babbles all the time. She loves her cousins and aunts and uncles.
- She is so funny and tries to mimick things that I do. Her most recent thing is to try to stick out her tongue and make it vibrate and make noise (I hope you know what I am talking about) like Steve and I do.
- Her naps have decreased at litte, now they look more like 9 - 10:45 and 1:30 - 4.
- She sleeps from 7 to 7 and then will just play with her animals and blankets and talk to herself until I come get her out at 7:30.
- She is close to sitting and can stand if you prop her up on something like the couch.
- She loves to play in her exersaucer and her jumperoo.
- She LOVES to go on walks and no longer wants to be in her carseat at the store. She wants to sit in the car and look around.
- She doesn't fit into her 3-6 month clothes anymore so I have to buy her all new 6-9 month summer clothes, which I was not planning on doing. But do you think I minded? No!!

Babies really do amaze me and I have really enjoyed being at home with her and getting to watch her develop more each day! We love you Haddles!!

All ready to go to church!!


Hailey said...

I love seeing Hadley's milestones cause Ky's right behind her. Hadley has got some of the best facial expressions I've seen on a baby, too cute!

Tori said...

She is such a cutie! Seems like she was just born yesterday!
So with the tutu pics....I'm gonna post some tomorrow, but what would be the best way to send the rest to you? Email? Maybe I'll just call you instead of leaving this really long comment!