Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Boy is she Growing!!

Hadley actually turned 4 months last week but I decided to wait to post until after she went to the doctor yesterday! She gets more fun each day- I hate that she is growing so fast but it is fun to see her little mind grow and learn new things every day!

Here are her stats from yesterday- see how much she has grown!!
Weight- 15 lb. 9 oz. - 80th percentile
Height- 25 inches - 75th percentile
Head- 60th percentile

She has her dad's head- small for her body (but I guess I would rather have it small than huge:)). She also has gained 4 pounds in two months and has gone from the 4oth percentile in weight to the 80th! She definitely is our chunky monkey!! Her doctor said she is doing great and that she is on track or ahead developmentally in almost everything.

She can make those big 'teacher' eyes that my students always told me I had! Haha! But we think they are gorgeous!

Here are some things about our little Hadley:

- She is still an awesome sleeper. She naps from 9:15 -11:00 and 1 -4 pretty consistently. She now sleeps from about 7:15 to 7:30 at night!

- She loves to eat (obvisously)! She eats either 7 or 8 oz. at each of her 4 bottles and enjoys her baby oatmeal with her breakfast.

- She smiles, laughs, and babbles ALL the time! She will laugh at Steve like nothing else! She just starts laughing and she gets going so easily. She also loves to make this really high-pitched squeal that we think sounds like velociraptor.

- She isn't rolling over yet. She has gone from her back to her tummy a few times but nothing regular. That is one area we are still working on :)

- She has very ticklish thighs and bum!

- She loves to be read to and will actually look at the pictures!

- She loves to be social with other babies, especially if they are smaller than her and can't pick on her (unlike her cousin Max).

- She loves to lay the floor and grab her feet and pull on them.

- She is finally interested in her toys and will actually reach for them across the floor or out of our hands.

- If she takes her binki out of her mouth she can put it back in by herself- although it's rarely the right part of the binki :)

- She puts everything in her mouth!

- She loves to be outside and she loves music! Mostly primary songs but she also likes mommy's music :)

What can I say, we LOVE our little girl!


Deb said...

She is getting so big! Putting her and Lizzie next to each other at the same age would have been so funny!

Holly said...

What a cute, BIG little girl! (in a good way of course!) She seems like she's doing so well--we need to come see you guys again!

Josh and Kelly said...

What a little doll! The chunkier the better, in my opinion!

Tori said...

I love her eyes! So pretty. In case you wanted to know, 16 more days!