Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Colorado Wedding...

When I went to Colorado for a visit home last month (which was an awesome trip), I was able to go to my best friend Brittany's wedding. She looked absolutely beautiful and it was so fun to be there and see her join her love. It was a traditional catholic wedding which meant it was a High Mass. Overall it was very interesting and I learned some new things about her religion but in the end made me grateful for what I know and believe. Congrats Britt!

Completely awful picture but my camera was too slow as they were walking back up the aisle on their way out!

Saying their vows- a little strange that you could take pictures during this (much different than my own wedding).

Best friends from high school- Linds & Erin

My mom and I before the ceremony.

Me and little Foxx- so cute but not sure quite what to think about his rather loud aunt MooMoo. His parents are much calmer and quieter than me :)

Fiona and I giving loves- I look totally gross but she is such a doll and has such a fun and bubbly personality! Love her!!

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