Friday, June 7, 2013

Baby Brenner

Well, this post is a long time coming seeing as Brenner is almost 4 weeks old.  But better late than never!!
Brenner Steven was born on Mother's Day, May 12, at 6:14 pm.  He weighed 7 lb. 6 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long.  We love him to pieces and couldn't imagine our family without him!!
I'll do a short version of the birth story for those of you interested... :)
I had been having some real contractions on and off from about 4:30 to 9:00 that morning.  Nothing too painful or regular and then they stopped.  I was scheduled to be induced the next afternoon and just figured that these contractions would help things move along for the next day.  I wasn't really up to going to church and wanted to get things ready for the next day so Steve took Hadley and I stayed home.  After they got home my contractions started again about 3:00 that afternoon.  The three of us hung out watching the Spurs-Golden State game and I started timing my contractions.  They were getting fairly (ok, for me, really painful) but were only like 6-7 minutes apart.  At about 4:30 I called the hospital and they said I need to wait until they were 3 minutes apart.  Well, I told Steve there was no way I could make it that long so we decided to take Hadley to Becca's and head up there hoping they would be closer together by the time we got there.  So after dropping Hadley off and driving up to Provo, we ended up checking in about 5:10 or so.  When they checked me at about 5:20, the nurse was like, "Umm, yea you are at nearly an 8!"  They rushed the anesthesiologist (sp?) in and I got my epidural just in time... thank goodness!!  My doctor arrived a little while after that, my water broke, I pushed and Brenner was born!!  It all was super fast and I LOVED that!!

 Since Brenner was born things have been going really well (surprisingly!!).  Hadley has done so well and adjusted much better than expected.  Surprise, surprise- she cannot/will not leave him alone most of the time.  I know she usually means well, but... we are working on it :)

 At his two week appointment he weighed 8 lb. 3 oz. and the doctor said he looked great!!  He is such a sweet and calm little baby- except when hungry, this kid can eat!  He's been a good sleeper from the start.  He has only ever woken up once at night and currently sleeps from about 8:30 - 3 and then I wake him up at 7:30.  He also naps from 9-11ish and 12:45-3:30 and then usually two short evening naps.
We definitely love this little man and can't wait to see him and grow and his personality develop!


Josh and Kelly said...

Hooray for a post, and a cute baby!!! When you figure the whole how to get Hadley away from the baby, let me know- I still haven't figured it out with Marissa!

Kris and Megan said...

Congratulations! What a sweet little baby, and hooray for a fast labor/delivery! I thought going from 0-1 kid was waaaay harder than 1-2, sounds like it's the same for you?!

Deb said...

So cute! Love a fast delivery! I can't get over the adorable crying picture. :) He looks so upset in a cute way. So far I still can't get the kids away from Logan after more than a year.

Holly said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so glad everything went so smoothly. He is so adorable, and such a good baby it sounds like! Hope you guys are doing well!! We need to get down there to meet him!