Wednesday, August 8, 2012


 Last weekend we had Max over for a little sleepover!!  I had mentioned something to him about it quite a while ago and he had not forgotten!  This weekend was the first where we could do it so we took advantage...

The kids made their own little pizzas (with lots of help from me to control the mess!).

 Steve took them outside and of course there was absolutely no chance of of avoiding the water.  Max had no suit so he just swam in undies and Hadley was very fast to follow (she refused to put on a suit if he didn't have to).

After swimming Max and Hadley got to set up camp in the tent to watch a movie.  We made popcorn, had candy, and drank some yummy milkshakes while they watched!!

 The kids went to bed about 9 after reading lots of books and few melt downs... from both of them... about not wanting to go to bed!!  Max gets up much earlier than Hadley, he woke up at 6:30 and she woke up at 8:20, so we had to rise early :) 

After breakfast, we got all ready for the day and played for a while!! 

We had a great night but shesh, two is way harder than one!!  Makes me grateful for just my one little 2 year old right now :)


Tori said...

Aww what a fun sleepover! Looks like they had a blast!

Deb said...

I feel for you! It's so hard when they wake up at different times. I love homemade individual pizzas!