Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Like Father, Like Daughter

Sometimes I wish Hadley was more like her Dad... you know, relaxed, laid back, pretty low maintenance, patient!  But she definitely has her mom's personality... you know, kinda uptight, high maintenance, stubborn, independent... Isn't Steve so lucky to live with us?!! :)

But she is absolutely is obsessed with anything involving water, just like her dad!!  She be play in water all day, well some days we pretty much do!!

We've certainly been enjoying our Seven Peaks passes...  Hadley literally screams when we have to go home...

 We play outside with her water table and in her little pool at least once a day, everyday...

 And of course the splash pad, this week we got to go with Dex and Ily!!

 So I do sometimes wish Hadley had Steve's personality, but I wouldn't change her love of water for anything!  Of course, I wouldn't change anything about her for anything!!


Kris and Megan said...

she's so cute! how fun to have the 7 peaks pass, I would do the same thing if we lived there!!

Deb said...

I love all the pictures! Hadley's so adorable! Lizzie's always asking to go to 7 Peaks with our passes. Poor girl...we've only gone a couple times so far. Text me and we'll meet up with you over there!