Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hadley Update

Our little Hadley is just growing up too fast!  I tell ya this one is FULL of personality, zip, energy and craziness!!   I know most of you won't make it through this but I want the update for myself, so sorry... :)

A friend in my ward took these pictures and some of them turned out so cute!  But it was seriously like putting on a circus behind the camera to get these shots!

Here are some of Hadley's major accomplishments and characteristics at 28 (almost) months:

- she can count to 12 and sometimes get correctly to twenty, she can also can backwards from 6 down to 1

- she can recognize, point out, and name about 22 of the 26 letters in the alphabet (we're struggling with N, the difference between U and V, and W)

- she knows the mommy and max starts with m without looking, daddy starts with d, steve, sheep, and spider start with s, jesse and jellybean start with j, becca starts with b, luke and livi start with l, pooh. piglet, and pink start with p, owl starts with o, roo and rabbit start with r, and of course that Hadley starts with H (she probably knows more I just can think of them)

- the picture below shows her facial expression 75% of the time, people always say, "Oh she looks so concerned!"  Nope just her normal cute little face!

- isn't always asking to watch Pooh anymore, probably asks often for Word World or Super Why, she also likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Doc McStuffins

- is a complete water rat!!

- knows and sings along with alot of primary songs and pretty much all the nursery rhymish type of songs (Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle  Twinkle, etc)

 - FINALLY is loving going to nursery every Sunday!!

- Still will not eat any fruit that does not come from a can :(  Augh!!

- Still sleeps in her crib, I see absolutely no reason to move her when she has NEVER remotely tried to climb out and is perfectly content to be in there

- goes to bed around 7:30, falls asleep around 8:30, and gets up anywhere between 7:30 and 8:00 in the morning

- consistently naps from about 1 to 3:30ish

 - Favorite foods include: otter pops, ice cream, chips, goldfish crackers, hot dogs, fried eggs, flavored rice, waffles with whip cream, olives, cauliflower, broccli, green beans, and peas

- wears size 6 shoes, 3T tops, and 2T bottoms

 - loves all animals, playing in rocks and dirt, and running wild through the yard

- Hadley is really happy about 98% of the time, rarely throws tantrums, and is soooooooo good to say please and thank you

I haved loved watching these two develop into little best friends over the last 9 months.  She wants to be just like Max and do anything he does.  They are more like siblings than cousins and therefore fight and bicker but it's just so fun to watch them together.

This picture is my favorite, it was like they didn't even know each other and could not sit near one another.

Love these little buddies!!!

We are sure proud of all the great things that Hadley can do and how much she is growing!

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