Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Birthday Party Take 2

 My parents come from Colorado for the long weekend, therefore we took advantage of having everyone here to have our big party for Hadley!  We had some delicious Wingers type chicken sandwiches with bleu cheese coleslaw (seriously good!!), opened presents, and had cake and ice cream! 

She was spoiled again and was so cute opening each one and then quickly moving on to the next!

 Singing and dancing to Luke and Liv's rendition of some Pooh songs!

 She LOVED being sung to and was dancing in her chair and leading the song!

Would you expect any other kind of cake?

After so many celebrations I'm sure Hadley half expected more parties, good food, and gifts this week!

Besides the party we had a great time with my family all weekend!  We had a girls night out and went to see "The Vow" (I still loved it the second time... I saw it opening night with some friends).  We all ate way too much food, laughed lots and lots, and simply enjoyed each others company :)

1 comment:

Tori said...

Oh how cute! I love her cake and Hadley looks as adorable as ever! You look great too! Also...I'm glad you liked The Vow. I REALLY want to see it and was hoping it is good. (Although I have no clue when I'll be able to go see it!)