Monday, February 20, 2012

The Birthday Day

 I can't believe my baby (who is definitely not a baby anymore!) is already 2!  We had a great day celebrating on Wednesday :)  I took the day off and we celebrated from morning until bed time!  Hadley woke up to a completely decorated downstairs and she loved it!!  She kept walking around the table saying hi to every Pooh character on the table cloth.

We left a new game on her chair and she was really serious about checking it out!  She now constantly asks to play "Hippos, hippos!!"

After breakfast she got to hang out in our bed watching the new Pooh movie she had gotten for Valentines Day.  She was so funny- all stretched out and comfy with all the blankets and pillows :)

We got ready and headed up the BYU Bean Museum with Becca, Max, and Livi!  She's been to the museum once before, she wasn't even one yet, and had very little interest.  This time they were running around fascinated by each and every animal!  So cute!  But unfortunately because she was so excited she wouldn't hold still for any pictures!

 We then we to Carls' Jr. for lunch and to play!

After a long nap (3 + hours, guess she was worn out from all the running around) we played with her new game, went on a short walk, and waited for daddy to come home!  We ate dinner and then did cupcakes and presents...

 She was SPOILED for sure!  She opened half the presents from Steve and I and the ones from Steve's parents.  She got a new baby and lots of stuff for her baby, a Mr. Potato head set, and a playdough set.

It was a wonderful day- Happy Birthday sweet girl!!


- Kevin and Hillary - said...

Too cute! Look how much bigger she is than last year's birthday picture!

Deb said...

Glad you got the day off to celebrate all day long! That's my favorite part about birthdays is making it a great time. :)