Monday, April 4, 2011

Only in Utah...

...ok, or in Colorado! Of course both states where I have lived...

We went from this... Saturday a nice & sunny (but windy) day in the 70's.

To this... Sunday morning, the yard and driveway covered with 5+ inches of snow!!

I knew it was supposed to snow on Saturday night but I figured we might wake up to a light dusting of snow. Boy were we in for a surprise! But in other good news we got our new stroller on Friday! Yay! You have no idea how excited we are! I wanted to get a 3-wheeled jogging stroller last Fall but it just didn't happen. Then we were going to wait until it actually got warm in the mornings when I would jog. But we decided to get it a few weeks early for our California/Disneyland trip next week. Hadley's other stroller was nice but I felt it was so heavy and bulky and Hadley was outgrowing it. This new stroller is light as a feather and she LOVES it already! Since Hadley walk alot it will get lots and lots of use! I especially can't wait to use it on our trip and to get out of this snow!


Tori said...

That snow looks awful! Don't snow here in CA for ya next week! Where did you get your stroller?

Manda said...

Mother Nature played a cruel April Fool's Joke, love the stroller

Deb said...

I was so frustrated with the snow! Seriously, grr! At least Spence got to play with Lizzie in it for a minute. Can't wait to go jogging!