Wednesday, September 15, 2010

7 Months

I can't believe our sweet baby girl is already 7 months! I feel like she has just made so many huge changes in the past month and I am so glad that I am here everyday to see her change and grow. How sad would I be if I couldn't watch her change from a baby into a little person? She has such a personality and I enjoy every minute (almost) with her.
Now about that personality... She definitley knows what she wants and when she wants it. She is now objecting when we do something or take something away that she wants (remotes, cords, phones, electrical outlets). But despite those times, she is THE happiest baby ever! You may not believe it but she rarely cries, which makes her pretty easy and fun to be with all day. She is always very social and friendly. I was at my friend Kelsie's house the other day and Hadley was just laughing and smiling and talking to Kelsie the whole time. She would be playing and crawling around the room and then she would stop and check to see if Kelsie was still watching her and would give her some attention. So cute!
She either crawls or army crawls (depending on her mood I guess) all over the place. All this movement has already resulted in her getting hurt several times. Mostly she sees something she wants and will then pull it off the shelf or tv stand and onto her head- Sunday it was one of the decorative tiles with sayings on them. That one left a mark, only a small bruise that is almost gone! Whoops, guess dad should keep a closer eye on this little bugger!
She is still a good eater and sleeper. She eats baby food twice a day and will eat whatever we are having for dinner with us... last night turkey and stuffing. My goal is for her to be eating all table food by the time she is 8 months- but since she already chews/gums everything that will be no problem! And she turned back into a great napper! We went through a small stage where she was thinking that two 45 minute naps could get her by but now she takes two good naps totaling between 4 and 4 1/2 hours a day!

Here she is this morning on her 7 month b-day :)

Since I won't let Steve get a dog I guess he'll just have to make do with Hadley. She is his little puppy and will just crawl after her phone!

And this is what we find most mornings! She completely destroys her bed! I can't tell her how many times a day I retie those bumper strings!

Ok, I could go on and on but I won't! We love our sweet Hadley!


Tori said...

Haha what a stinker, pulling her bumper down! And I LOVE her headband in the first pic! She's such a cutie!

Josh and Kelly said...

This is such a fun age! No longer a blob! I say if she'll still eat baby food let her- that way you know she is getting her fruits and veggies. Or maybe you guys are better at eating it at meals then we sometimes are ha ha.