Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall is Near

I'm afraid to say that I think fall is here! After being in the 108 degree weather of Las Vegas for 4 days we come home to surprising cold weather! I know that weather is getting cold because I had to pull out Hadley's 'fall' pj's for her last night and this morning it was so cold before her nap we had to hang out with our little portable heater! The time is getting close for sweaters and pants and for packing up tank tops and shorts :(

Just a side note: I JUST bought her these pj's a few weeks ago. I wanted some long sleeve and feet ones that were just kinda thin for fall. I bought 6-9 months even though she doesn't really wear that size but I've bought this brand before and it runs big so I figured we'd be ok for a least a month or so when the weather gets colder. Nope! My guess is they will fit her for like 2 more weeks!!


Deb said...

Crazy girl just keeps on growing! I agree about Fall though. It seems like it's here to me too. I can't believe how much hair she's getting now!

Hailey said...

She has such pretty eyes and I can't believe all that hair she has! I know how you feel about the clothes, they just grow sooo fast.