Thursday, March 25, 2010

Life Lately

We are throughly enjoying ourselves over here! Hadley is a bundle of joy and fun and I can't imagine my days without her!

Let me just start by bragging a little (I'm sorry but I must)! Hadley has slept from 8-6ish (sometimes 6:15 or 6:20) for the last 6 nights!! I am so proud- now we are working toward 7:30 to 7:30 :)
She is doing lots of new things. She moves her eyes and head
to people's voices, to people moving around her and to the sound of the tv (not necessarily a good thing). She is starting to make these noises. I think it sounds like a loud bird so I like to call her my little birdy :)
We sing alot of songs and even read a book each day (I want her to start young to love books). Sadly she doesn't get to spend much time with Steve during the week since he is always at work or school and most nights she is in bed when he gets home. So time with dad is precious and he loves the weekends to be with her!
We get bundled up as often as the weather permits to go on walks. She loves the stroller!!

We take alot of pictures! Relaxing in her bouncer on St. Patrick's Day.

We have some tummy time each day! This is usually what it turns into :)

She doesn't really like to be made to sit up!

She is starting to grab at things (kind of). Like yesterday she kept grabbing the zipper on her vest and wouldn't let go. She grabs my shirt and doesn't let go. Yesterday while laying on her play mat she really grabbed this all by herself and held on for like 20 minutes!

She always makes these big eyes! I love it!


Holly said...

What a cute little girl! And I still can't believe how well she sleeps. Seriously! Tucker didn't sleep like that until he was a year old! It was so fun to see you guys the other night. Hadley is so adorable!!!

Manda said...

Hadley is an absolute doll! I am so impressed that she sleeps so well at such a young age, I think the longest stretch Abe did at that age was 6 maybe 8 hours. You are obviously doing something right;)

Deb said...

So adorable!! Spence is the same way. He LOVES his daddy daughter time.

Josh and Kelly said...

Man I am jealous of her sleeping habits!! She is as good as Shane ha ha. Love the picture of her sitting up- the look on her face says "Mom, I am only doing this for you!" Keep the updates coming!

Shaunelle said...

She is precious! Thanks for the update...keep them coming! Love ya!

Tori said...

Ok she is so cute Mer! She doesn't look like the same baby though! I thought she looked just like Steve when she was first born and now I see a lot of you in her! She's adorable!