Steve is the best husband any girl could ask for- he is helpful, sensitive, hard working, complimentary, loving, spiritual, reliable, funny, positive, and he is going to be a wonderful dad sometime! I am so grateful to have Steve in my life! For the last year and a half Steve has been working and going to school full time. On a typical week, Steve works 50-55 hours, goes to school, does homework, helps me around the house, and finds time to be with me! It is hard for me to spend so much time alone, but I am thankful that I have such a motivated husband.

Steve and I had a relaxing day today. We slept in and then Steve made me a delicious breakfast with an orange julius (my favorite!). After getting ready we did some things around the house and then went to the craft store. Since we've gone out to dinner so many times this week we decided to stay in and make another recipe from the Food Network- it was as equally as good as the last. We made cookies together and rented a movie we are about to watch! What a wonderful 3 years- I can't wait for the rest of eternity!

Happy Anniversary (a day late)!!!!!!
Happy Anniversary! Time sure flies, doesn't it?!
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