Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Weekend

 We had a fantastic Easter weekend!  It started off with the city egg hunt!!  Of course the ground was covered with like 5 inches of snow and it was freezing (which we weren't exactly prepared for).  But Hadley had a grand time despite the cold!  Last year she was a little unsure of what to do and this year she went all in!!  The city asks that you only get like 5 eggs but I think Hadley ended up with like 15... whoops!!

 Since she was only in the same age group as Max we met up with Luke and Livi to check out everyone's loot!!

 Saturday evening we dyed eggs at Becca's and Hillary and Kevin came too!  Hadley was also really into this and of course ended up cracking or breaking most of our eggs.  Oh well, all I cared about is that she had fun!

The Easter Bunny came to visit and hid some eggs but we decided to wait until after church to do all of that so we would have more time to enjoy it!  I seriously only got like one or two pictures of Hadley before church in her cute Easter dress :(  I don't know how anyone does it but she won't ever smile for the camera and WILL NOT hold still long enough for me to get a picture!

Everyone came for dinner evening and it was great end to a great weekend!!

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