Sunday, March 18, 2012

Favorites of a 2 Year Old

 My little two year old will not slow down- always on the go, always on the move, always wanting to do something fun, exciting and new!  We definitley have found some new favorites around here and keep her entertained for a looooong time!  We've had some beautiful weather (aside from the snow today) the past couple of weeks but the mornings are still a bit chilly to go outside so we've been hanging around indoors.

Doing lots of water coloring...

 ... which Hadley now is asking to do at least 3 times a day!

We've also been coloring on lots of butcher paper spread out on the table...

But we are definitely getting outside every afternoon to go on walks, visit the park, play bubbles, and draw with sidewalk chalk!  When we first bought out house I was a little disappointed that we did not have a huge backyard but now I love the size!  Hadley can just play outside by herself and I can pretty much see her from anywhere in the kitchen (don't worry I still go out and check on her constantly!).  She loves the indepedence and just sits out there and plays and talk to herself...

LOVING this Spring!!


Kris and Megan said...

I had to reread that a couple times when you said you were disappointed at having a huge backyard! Haha, that is ALL I dream about now when I think of buying a home! :) Hadley is growing up too fast. Landon loves painting too!

Tori said...

You are such a good mom! Also, I tried to do Mylin's hair like Hadley's (the two braids--where she is wearing black) and it was horrible! Hahaha I need you to come help me do it! Her hair is always so cute. You need to do a post of just her different hair styles so I can get some ideas!