Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Working Mom

So I have been subbing for a friend of mine for the last 7 days and I still have 4 more! She needed to have a back procedure done and it puts her out for more than two weeks. Since it's time for end of year testing she needed someone Certified to do the class's testing. I actually have been really enjoying being in the classroom and feeling more like I was actually in charge (as opposed for subbing for just 1 day) and I have loved being with all the kids!

So really this post is to give a shout out to all moms who work full-time: it is hard! I know being home is hard too (since that is what I usually do) but I feel like this is has really tested me differently. So I am so impressed with them! It took my body a few days to adjust to it but now I feel like I come home and still have plenty of energy to play with Hadley, cook, and clean!

Hadley has done so well being at my sister's everyday. I was a little worried about her sleeping but she is still taking 2 naps a day over there and her and Max are getting along better and better each day. But I love to see her little face light up and her chubby little arms reach up to me and she says "Mama!" the second she sees me! And then all night she will come and just lay her head on my shoulder or my chest... I guess she misses me (which is good because I miss her too!). Although I have enjoyed it, I can't wait to be back with my sweet girl all day again!

And of course she is still as happy as ever!


Deb said...

You're right about the energy thing. I think when you have a schedule of specific things like work, your body adjusts and you have more energy. Being a working mom is definitely hard though for sure!

Kris and Megan said...

I really don't know how I would be able to teach AND be a mom, that must be so exhausting!! But, I bet nothing compares to when you see them again after being away all day! Hadley just gets cuter and cuter!