Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas at the Berglund's

Due to Steve's work schedule (again) we stayed here in Spanish Fork for the holidays. It may seem sad to be without all of the family (which it is) but we really enjoy ourselves. Steve had to work until about 2 on Thursday. After he got home we did some last minute things around the house getting ready for the evening and next day. We headed to my sister's house for our traditional dinner of fondue- it was amazing! Last year we had the oil fondue with the meats and vegetables and chocolate but this year we decided to have cheese instead of chocolate. Excellent choice- I throughly enjoyed it!!

Livi really enjoyed decorating the cookies for Santa... can't you tell!

Luke was too busy with his steak to look at the camera...

I really am not in any kind of mood these days to get my picture taken... can you tell?

After the kids went to bed we watched our traditional movie, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and ate apple crisp and eggnog. We helped Becca and Jesse set up the kids toys from Santa. We got home around 11:30 and headed to bed - we were tired! But then again it really doesn't take much to make me tired these days.

Friday morning we woke up at about 8 and headed back to Becca's for present opening. Of course the kids were in rare form and all over the place! We tried to take turns, like we always did in my family, but that really didn't work. It was a wonderful morning and I was spoiled by Steve (as I am every year, even when we set a limit). Steve loves his new Ipod, video games, seasons of his shows, new electric razor, and clothes. My favorite things are my new cologne, Wii Fit (which is going to come in real handy in less than 8 weeks!!), and my Spurs shirt!!

Sporting his new hoodie and Ipod!

After we left we spent the afternoon sleeping, cooking and of course watching the NBA- do you know my husband at all?! He throughly enjoyed the Cavs win over the Lakers when I was more interested in Boston's victory! I took a nice nap and watched my new Twilight movie, while Steve gave me another gift and cleaned! At about 5 Becca, Jesse, and the kids came up for Christmas dinner. The food was amazing- london broil, asparagus, rolls, mashed potatoes, salad, deviled eggs, and cheesecake pie. Overall, it was such a wonderful day and we were very blessed!

Livi absolutely loved putting her new baby in the real carseat that we just got this week. She is so excited for her little cousin to arrive!

Max, cutest little boy and Luke's identical twin!!

Me enjoying my new blanket! If you ask anyone in my family they would tell you how attached I am to my blankets- I am like a child- they go everywhere with me. My mom got me this new one for Christmas- it's amazing!

Tomorrow Steve and I head to Colorado for a quick trip. My grandpa passed away on the December 19th and his funeral is going to be on Tuesday. Although it is under sad circumstances we are excited to spend at least a little time with family!


Holly said...

Merry Christmas! Looks like you guys had fun! I was hoping that for a Christmas present for all of us you would post a belly picture...but I guess not. :)

Deb said...

Such a fun Christmas! I love the idea of fondue as tradition. Me and Spence are definitely going to do that. Stay safe in Colorado!