Tuesday, April 7, 2009


We don't have any really exciting news going on around here so I thought I would do what some of my friends have done and share some other things about me right now.
Currently, I LOVE...
Strawberry Shortcake!! Steve and I made some for our Sunday dinner with my sister on Sunday and now I can't get enough. I know its not the healthiest thing for me but I just can't seem to resist that sweet and juicy goodness sitting down in my fridge!!

The Spurs!! I know that they aren't doing all that well right now but I am a true blood fan in rain or shine. I just love Tony Parker (yes, I will admit that it started with his wife Eva Longoria who stars in one of my favorite shows Desperate Housewives)!! Last night I watched the entire broadcast of Michael Jordan getting inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame just to see the interviews with Tony Parker :)

I have to always currently be watching a season of somekind. Currently I have cycled back through to my old favorite Dawson's Creek- sometimes it's a bit dumb but overall I love it!! Hehehehe...

The fact that my plan book is completely filled and planned for the rest of the year!! It's a little strange because I come home and really have no work to do and since I'm a bit of a workaholic it's going to take some getting used to. I really take time planning my lessons and activities and work hard to make sure my class is learning but having fun. I love my class so much this year!!

This season of America's Next Top Model is amazing! I didnt really love last season and therefore went into this season with a bit of hesitance, but it really is so good. You should watch it!!

This is the first season that I have watched and I only did so because Melissa from The Bachelor is on it. Oh but you know it- I have another show to add my weekly schedule (Steve just loves that). I love Melissa- she is amazing! I also really like Ty Murray and Shawn Johnson!

The beautiful weather we had yesterday and today! It is wonderful and I have only been waiting forever! We took our classes outside to get them ready for our annual Hershey Track Meet and it was so fun to think that I get to stop spending so much time in the classroom with them and begin doing the really fun stuff. It was also nice that Steve and I got to spend some time together this evening picking weeds... how fun ;)


Josh and Kelly said...

Don't worry Meredith, if you are having planning withdrawals, I will let you borrow my plan book, there's plenty of room in it!

Josh and Kelly said...

Meredith, let's give you letter m.