Monday, June 23, 2008

Weekend Away

Well, I realized that it has been forever since I have posted anything so I thought I would write about our weekend away.

Since school ended I have been feeling really cooped up! Its not that I have been spending a lot of time at home (just more than usual) because I have been busy with tutoring, working in my classroom, and swimming with my sister, nephew, and niece. Its just so different from my schedule when I'm in school: I come home from school around 6 and then Steve gets home within an hour later. Now- I get home between 2 and 3 and have four or five grueling hours by myself! So I was having a hard day last week having been alone for like 7 hours that day. Steve being the wonderful husband that he is set up a weekend away for us!

Steve knows that I would much rather stay in a nice hotel that a bed or breakfast- so we went and stayed in the downtown Marriott on Saturday night. It was a great little get away. We left on Saturday around noon and headed for Salt Lake. After getting settled in our room we walked to Temple Square just for a quick visit. We then went to our favorite restaurant, Texas Roadhouse, which is only in Salt Lake here in Utah. It was amazing as usual. Then came my favorite part- shopping! We walked from our hotel to the Gateway Mall- it was 101 degrees outside! Shopping was great and I made many great finds! If you have ever seen my closet you would know that in no way do I need more clothes. But unfortunately, clothes are my weak point! I love new clothes! Steve was in an extremely generous mood (which I later found out why) and I must admit, I took advantage. Come to find out he decided to let me buy whatever I wanted so that I would let him buy what he wanted- a ridiculously expensive pair of Jordan basketball shoes. Well, he got his wish and it was like a kid in a candy store!

After an exhausting shopping spree, we walked back to the hotel and rested for a short while. We then went swimming and to the hot tub and then we got to order room service- I never got to do that growing up!

Overall, although we only went to Salt Lake it was a much needed break! By the way- we forgot our camera at home so you will just have to use your imagination and visualizing skills!


Holly said...

I love weekend getaways, especially when they include shopping! I'm glad you guys had such a good time!

Leslee said...

That sounds like lots of fun:)

Manda said...

I am jealous! It sounds like it was a blast!