Hadley has had a lot of firsts in her short two years (almost) of life. First words, first steps, first wave, first clap but I must say that this 'first' was one of my favorite favorites to watch!
A couple of weekends ago we had our first real snow- Steve defines a real snow by having enough to play in. So we got Hadley all bundled up in her new coat, pants and boots and sent her on out!
At first she was really timid and just stood and watched Steve but then she got REALLY into it! She was rolling around and shrieking and squealing and laughing... overall having a grand ole time!
When she came in she was absolutely freezing but of course wanted to go back out the second a she warmed up with a little cocoa! Sadly the snow was pretty much gone a day or two later and we haven't had any more since... but don't worry she asks everyday, "Snow Mama? Snow?"